Our company's objective is to continually improve in all aspects of our business through a customer-oriented quality management system. We are committed to ensuring that this policy is understood and implemented throughout the organization.

We are the Global Sourcing partner for New and Obsolete Semiconductors, IC's, Relays, Connectors, Switches & Mil-Spec Components! We will help you source any electronic components if they exist. We continue to be a customer-focused company. Our experience and dedicated staff is committed to providing you with excellent service and prompt quotations.

  • ISO 9001:2015 compliant
  • Multimillion Part Inventory
  • Worldwide inventory access
  • User friendly component search engine
  • Personalized service
  • State-of-the-art information systems
  • Knowledgeable technical support staff
  • SAME DAY SHIP OUT on all stock items
  • Excess Inventory and Surplus Liquidators

Other parts in our catalog

PartQuantityDate codeManufacturerAvailityRFQ
HD64F3664HJ255 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F3664FYV45 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36087HV50 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36079GHV62 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36079GHSWV200 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36077GHV55 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36057HJV100 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36057GHJV100 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36049HV10 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36037GHJV100 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36037GFZJV100 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36037GFPJV75 - RENESASIn StockQuote
HD64F36037FZJV200 - RENESASIn StockQuote